Chasing Children at Vie Abondante School

Children everywhere need to feel connected and loved, significant and special. They also need to feel that they are learning and growing and that they have something to contribute to others.

Emerald’s Jewels members are currently working with children in the capital city of Niamey, Niger, Africa. They are showing love and establishing bonds with the children and building up their sense of connection to the wider world. Teaching each child that she or he has God-given gifts and have something special to contribute to friends, family, and community is important, whether they live in a big city or small village.

Our volunteers have opened an academic residence called Joseph's Place. It houses children coming from villages outside the capital city of Niamey while they attend the Vie Abondante school.
Our goal is to raise Christian leaders who will be a transformational influence, and a blessing to their families, villages and nation.

If you would like to participate in supporting the educational needs of the children in the Vie Abondante elementary school, please send your tax deductible donation today!  For only $300.00 you can send a child to school for an entire year. That cost covers their tuition, books, uniform, room and board! Be a blessing and Donate Today!

If you are donating to Joseph's Place, please be sure to include that in the Memo section of your donation.